Welcome to TORONTO There's a world of opportunity waiting for you at the Rotary convention. In partnership with Rotary International, the Host Organizing Committee invites you to join us in Toronto, Canada June 23-27 2018.


2018 Rotary International Convention. Pictures from attendees at the Rotary International Convention in Canada. Summer 2018. Owner: Darren Wacker.

Your privacy is important to Rotary International (“Rotary”) and the personal data you share with and collected by Rotary will only be used for official Rotary business and primarily for your participation in the Virtual Convention. Personal data will be used to facilitate your attendance and enhance your experience. Rotary International Conventions 1910 - Date The following dates / cities are the historical list of previous Rotary International Conventions as well as the most current information we have available for future Conventions.. Convention What is a “Rotary International Convention”? Rotary International organizes a “Rotary International Convention” every Why attend the 2021 Convention in Taipei? Attending an RI Convention is a highlight for the members of the Rotary When is the Convention taking place in Taipei? June Welcome to the 110th annual Rotary International Convention, in the beautiful city of Hamburg, Germany.

Rotary international convention

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Rotaryklubbarna samlas varje år till en världskongress, Rotary Convention, vanligtvis i juni. Rotary International Convention 11 - 14 June 2006. Här skall vi samla ihop material och länkar omkring Convention 2006. Skick gärna tips och länkar till  Rotary Norden är de nordiska rotarianernas medlemstidning, certifierad av Rotary. International.

This followed the cancellation of the planned Rotary International convention in Hawaii – which has since been confirmed at the host in 2027. “ Rotary adapted and, by doing so, found a way to engage more members than ever.

Rotary är en organisation för samhällsengagerade personer med olika Nu kan vi alla delta i Rotary International Convention via webben!

Klubbarna i ett distrikt nominerar årligen en kandidat vilken under verksamhetsåret fungerar som Rotary Internationals "ombudsman", med uppgift att bidra till samverkan och stöd för klubbarnas verksamhet. Rotary at a Glance.

Find photos, videos, live blog posts, speeches, and more. And share your convention experience on social media with #Rotary17. View Slideshow. Outgoing Rotary International President John Germ and his wife, Judy, reflect on their year in office and lessons learned from visiting Rotary projects around the world. Highlights

Rotary international convention

Instead we will have a virtual convention, with speakers and workshops from all over the world participating. The convention itself took place on the exhibition grounds of Hamburg Messe from June 1-5th 2019. One of the main meeting spaces during the Convention was the “House of Friendship,” which was comprised of 334 booths showcasing international exhibitors, as well as, Rotarians from around the world who displayed a wide range of projects such as Rotary fellowships, Rotary Action Groups, and RI Convnetion Official Website: https://www.riconvention.org/en/taipei Host Organization Committee Events: https://www.rotarytaipei2021.org/The friendly c At the 2019 Rotary International Convention in Hamburg, Germany, Rotarian and award-winning artist, Jamaal Rolle, known as The Celebrity Artist, is seen on stage, speed-painting the first of two “End Polio Now” creations. He went from start to finish in around 10 minutes where for the first 5 minutes, he painted the subject upside-down. My presentation about the power of DOGOODERY at the Rotary International Convention 2019 in front of over 10 000 people (eek!). Rotary & Rotaract is a servic About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators Rotary brings leaders together to exchange ideas and take action to help empower youth, enhance health, promote peace, and eradicate polio.

Rotary international convention

2 843 gillar · 1 pratar om detta. Welcome to Hamburg 2019! Official Facebook Page of the 2019 Rotary 2019 Rotary International Convention HOC, Hamburg. 2 818 gillar · 1 pratar om detta. Welcome to Hamburg 2019! Official Facebook Page of the 2019 Rotary International Convention 2020, Honolulu.
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Rotary international convention

Their work impacts lives at both the local and international levels.

Rotarys årliga Convention samlar normalt 20-40 000 Rotarianer från hela världen till en  1 frimärken.
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The friendly city Taipei invites you to the Rotary International Convention from June 12 to 16, 2021. The Convention is the perfect place to discover new opportunities for service and friendship. We are from the 12 Hosting Districts in Taiwan with around 35,000 Rotarians, anxious to show you our hospitality and warmest welcome.

View Slideshow. Outgoing Rotary International President John Germ and his wife, Judy, reflect on their year in office and lessons learned from visiting Rotary projects around the world.

Youth Exchange Officers Preconvention. Friday-Saturday, 11-12 June, 2021 | US$125 per person The Youth Exchange Officers Preconvention offers an exciting opportunity to network with Rotarians and volunteers involved in the Rotary Youth Exchange program from around the world.

The Calgary event will take place June 21-25, 2025, and is expected to  2019 Rotary International Convention HOC, Hamburg. 2 843 gillar · 1 pratar om detta.

It attracts Rotarians from all around the world to come together to celebrate our  15 Dec 2019 Stunning experts for all conferences Our experts come from all parts of the globe South Africa Asia / Indonesia Australia India America / Brazil  5 Mar 2018 A post by Zach Tilton – Bradford Rotary Peace Fellow 2016-17, class XV. Part 3: Rotary International Convention. By the time the Peace  8 Jun 2015 Hamburg will be the host city of the 2019 Rotary International Convention (RIC), the annually rotating global event of Rotary International.