The classification of the functions of government (COFOG) is a classification used to identify the socio-economic objectives of current transactions, capital outlays and acquisition of financial assets by general government and its sub-sectors.


entre bienes y servicios individuales y colectivos se establece de acuerdo con la clasificación de las funciones de las administraciones públicas (Cofog).

Its purpose is to "classify the purpose of transactions such as outlays on final consumption expenditure, intermediate consumption, gross capital formation and capital and current transfers, by general government" (from home page). GFSY Query - Expenditure by Function of Government (COFOG) - IMF Data. GFSY Query - Expenditure by Function of Government (COFOG) Your browser is not up-to-date. For optimum experience we recommend to update your browser to the latest version. Classification des fonctions des administrations publiques (COFOG) Citation: Nomenclature des dépenses par fonction: COFOG, COICOP, COPNI, COPP, Série M: No 84, New York: Nations Unies. ändamål COFOG. Totalt 78 Valda Sök. Början av ord.


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Az osztályozás alkalmazását elrendelő joganyag - A Tanács 2223/96/EK rendelete (1996. június 25.) a Közösségi nemzeti és regionális számlák európai rendszeréről In COFOG group 10.2 Old age the rise of €2.8 bn in the year 2020 was mainly due to the increase of old-age pensions. Expenditure in COFOG group 10.4 Family and children rose by €1.0 bn in 2020. This can be mainly attributed to expenditure for the family allowance child bonus and the family hardship compensation in the context of COVID -19 and to higher expenditure for family allowances. The navigation menu provides access to a collection's main sections, such as the members list, its description, etc.

The COFOG (Classification Of the Functions Of Government) is an international classification which breaks down data on general government expenditure from the System of National Accounts according to the different purposes or functions in which the funds are used. 2021-04-08 Each COFOG table provides a cross-classification of general government expenditure by function and economic nature. The transmission of COFOG 1st level data is compulsory, whereas COFOG 2nd level data are transmitted on a voluntary basis until the new ESA2010 implementation.

Second-level COFOG data are not available for Turkey and all non-European member countries of the OECD, except Israel. In addition, these data are available only for selected COFOG divisions in some members of the EU. Efforts are underway to reach agreement with these countries about the submission of these data to the OECD.

For. Japan, data regarding sub-sectors of general government and expenditures by Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG) refer to fiscal year. U. Volymindex av gymnasieutbildning (COFOG 09221) SCB/NR U. Volymindex av gymnasiesärskola (COFOG 09222) SCB/NR Vuxenutbildning Kostnad (kr) för  2013/14:1 UTGIFTSOMRÅDE 2 BILAGA. 14.

Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG) is a classification defined by the United Nations Statistics Division. These functions are designed to be 


tl;dr. Classification of the Functions of Government. Detta är en internationell klassifikation som grupperar offentliga sektorns utgifter  Vad betyder cofog?


Clasificación funcional del gasto del subsector Administración Regional (COFOG).
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De olika  av S Lundberg · 2013 — Resterande COFOG-grupper (7.5, 8.5–8.6, 9.6–9.8 och 10.8–10.9) klassificeras som kollektiva ändamål. Page 28. Hur kan produktiviteten i offentlig sektor mätas? Sektor (cofog):.

Group. Class. 01 General public services.
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COFOG. Classification of the Functions of Government. Detta är en internationell klassifikation som grupperar offentliga sektorns utgifter efter deras funktion eller 

4 days ago Data view. Expenditure by Functions of Government (COFOG). Y Axis.

COFOG also permits trends in government outlays on particular functions or purposes to be examined over time. Conventional government accounts are not usually suitable for this purpose, since they reflect the organizational structure of governments and time-series may be distorted by organizational changes.

Entidad financiadora: SOGETI. The Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG) was developed by the Organization for. Economic Co-operation and Development and published by   9 Dec 2019 Appendix A - COFOG (Classification of the Functions of Government). Caspar van den Berg, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands,  COFOG (Classification Of the Functions Of Government) Classificazione della spesa della pubblica amministrazione per funzioni adottata dalle principali  29 Ago 2019 The COFOG was developed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and published by the United Nations Statistical  27 Mar 2018 COFOG distributes expenditures of general government in ten categories according to their purpose: general public services; defense; public  21 Aug 2019 spending on per capita GDP level using Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG) data.

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