S 1502-R50B. NCS Index . Spara som favorit Beställ kulörprover - per objekt mer information Hitta en produkt i denna kulör Tänk på NCS Index. 274. S 0502-R S 0502-R50B S 1002-R S 1002-R50B S 1502-R S 2002-R. Nordsjö Professional Kontakta oss; Andra Nordsjö
S 2030-R50B. 44.8. F 0233 Heather S 0502-R50B. 81.5 S 3020-B. 33.9. M 1999 Ragged Copper. DecoMetal®. F 2001 Baikal. Colors. S 1502-Y. 9002. 67.6.
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METALLIC. absoflex.se acqwool.se · akustikshopen.se Ljusreflektans ca 27%. 6049 - lila. NCS ca S 6030-R50B NCS ca S 1502-Y. Ljusreflektans ca 65%.
Beckers Puderrosa 673 / S 1010-R / #e8cece Hex-Farbcode. Der hexadezimale Farbcode #e8cece ist ein sehr hell Farbton von Rot. Im RGB-Farbmodell enthält #e8cece 90.98% Rot, 80.78% Grün und 80.78% Blau. Im HSL-Farbraum hat #e8cece einen Farbtonwinkel von 0° (Grad), 36% Sättigung und 86% Helligkeit.
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במודל הצבעים של RGB #e1d3d2 מורכב מ 88.24% אדום, 82.75% ירוק ו 82.35% כחול. Úvod / Vzorníky barev / Vzorník barev NCS / NCS S 1502-R50B NCS S 1502-R50B Kliknutím na některý z odstínů NCS se zeď strop na obrázku obarví dle Vaší volby.
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Colors S 1502-Y. 9002. Matte 58. K2005. Paprika. Colors. S 4050-Y80R.
Alternative colours to S 1502-G50Y from the NCS 1950 colour range and convert colours to and from the RAL, BS4800, BS5252, BS2660 and BS381C, Pantone, DIN 6164, Australian Standard 2700, Farrow and Ball, Little Greene, Federal Standard 595, Dulux Trade and NCS ranges.
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S 1502-R50B : RAL Code: 7047 : Light Reflectance Value: 73 : Anti-Bacterial: Finishes Archive Datasheet Related Finishes. Vivid Blue. View Product S 1502-R50B. NCS Index . Spara som favorit Beställ kulörprover - per objekt mer information Hitta en produkt i denna kulör Tänk på 621005 adula NCS S 2005-R60B 54 621007 quartz NCS S 4005-R80B 31 621013 sahara NCS S 2005-Y50R 52 621022 niagara NCS S 2020-R80B 44 621001 everest NCS S 0500-N 81 Colorex Plus Basic 611004 montblanc NCS S 1502-R50B 63 Rated unsuitable due to the contrasting toned chips, flecks and obvious cracked pattern. The design is very busy and Buy Light Grey Laminates - Greenlam Laminates from Greenlam to decorate your space. Install Copper Taint Laminate sheets at your home for the modern look.